Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Need help with a loose tooth?

I took these pictures a few weeks ago. Olivia has a couple of teeth coming in, but her little mouth is going to have a hard time fitting them well. One of her baby teeth was getting pushed to the front where no tooth was going to push it out so I encouraged her often to wiggle it and work at getting it out. It was quite loose, but with no tooth pushing it things were stalling. One night when the kids were watching a movie upstairs I heard her fussing, then Louis talking, then her laughing. This routine (fussing, talking, laughing) was going on quite awhile and I began to realize that Louis was trying to help her get her tooth out. He has helped Otto with loose teeth several times and I chose to stay out of sight and see how things would play out. It wasn't too long and they came downstairs successful. Aren't big brothers wonderful!

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