Thursday, March 17, 2011

With Ryder and Ruby

Last... May, June? or thereabouts, we started taking care of a couple of kids that live right next door. They come and play three days a week while their parents are at work or in school. Ruby was our new 'young one' and so much fun. I don't see Ryder that much as he is always playing with Otto, Solomon or Olivia. When Ryder is here for quiet time Solomon will read him books until I say they have to stop (I have to have some silent time in the afternoons). I'm sure they often read a whole hour! The following pictures show this event. Also, we see Ruby with Louis grinding grain and Otto working on his math. Ruby absolutely loves Otto and says his name often; it is an easy one. One of Olivia's jobs is cleaning up the table and sweeping the floor after lunch. She does a great job. Sorry, the pictures are in reverse order. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Time, Little Post

Greg bought me some lovely roses for Valentine's Day! They lasted more than a week and were so beautiful on this sunny day. I wish the pictures did them justice, but you get the idea.

For years Greg has wanted to get Triominos. He has many fond memories playing this game with his family. We are now doing the same with ours.