Tuesday, September 15, 2009

End of Summer

Usually we just continue with school all summer, maybe lightening the load, but not too much. This summer the children had almost as much of a vacation as kids in a 'normal' school situation. We have never lived in a place with so many kids playing right outside our front door in such a beautiful courtyard and so many parents enjoying the atmosphere. It has been like living at a resort.

I had been looking for some child care work to do in our home for a little extra income and I found it. Sophia is eight and came over each day during the week for the summer. Also, Aven, who is now 19 months, began coming Monday through Thursday. They both live in our complex. Now that school has started we don't see Sophia as much, but we now have Lincoln before and after school. She also lives here and it has been a new experience to take a child to the bus and pick her up afterwards. One more addition is Tyler (15 months) who does not live here, but we have known his parents for years and they are living in the area and were looking for a M - Th just like Aven. It makes for busy days, but God seems to do that with me because without the outside commitments I get lazy. I am forced to adhere more closely to a schedule or we could never accomplish the many things we must. The children have been thrilled with having little ones in the home again. I don't know if I could manage without their help so I'm glad they enjoy the sweet children. I did grumble a little that we always have boys and can't seem to get any girls in the home for long. (Lincoln is a girl and Sophia, but they are older and Olivia would so love a baby girl to watch over.) However, when seeing the older boys playing with the younger I know that it is the best situation. At least our neighbors had a baby girl last month and she is a real treat for us.

The kids were tracing their shadows and then drawing in the person. Here is Olivia's, you can see how the sun has moved since it was traced. Also, Molly and her scooter.

A few of the girls living here: Sarah, Cherish, Olivia, Lily and Mattie.

Solomon traced Otto's shadow and then colored in a great face, not intended to be a representation of Otto.

More friends here: Jacqueline, Cherish peeping over Sophia, Olivia and Josephine.

Tyler, Solomon, Aven and Otto.

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