Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Branches and Books

Here is a flower about to bloom outside our front door! Could spring be coming?Either this is an exceptionally windy year or this hill is a windy area.  Otto and Solomon wanted to take out some garbage bags to fly in the wind.  I try to say yes to these kinds of requests because they offer experience with the sciences.  Solomon tied some twine onto his bag. I think Otto originally had a stick on his, but took it off. I was watching from the house when Otto lost hold of his 'kite' and it flew into the tree. I thought, "Bummer, now everyone will have to look at that big white garbage bag in the beautiful branches."  But, then it blew out! Great! Otto thought it was great too and was confident it would always blow out. Unfortunately it didn't as you can see from the pictures.The sun shining on to top branches is a frequent view we all enjoy.  As you see, although a few days later, the bag is still there. I apologized to our manager, but she said there were 2 or 3 in the trees behind their house that their girls and friends lost. This seems to be a wonderfully understanding community. It helps that there are many other families here with young children, mostly girls. Our next door neighbor has a 3 year old boy and said there were all girls playing outside last summer. Olivia will certainly like that! She has already made friends with some of them.
One more inside picture of our living room bookshelves and Otto reading. We are indescribably thankful that all of our children love to read and this picture is one we see daily. You can interchange any of the children into this pose in numerous places around the house and outside when it is pleasant  weather. These are our nice bookshelves where we are working on placing our most loved and nicest books. We have five more bookshelves upstairs with very little room left on them. Does that slow us down in our book buying? Ha! Never! Actually, there are more than five, but I guess we don't need to count.

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