We have had a bit of snow. First let me mention something about our move. We had planned to begin moving on the 15th which was the first or second day of ice and snow. However, since the townhouse was empty and available we decided to go ahead and pay another week of rent and move in a week earlier, beginning the 8th. We were done on Friday the 12th (the last day Greg worked since
they don't sweep streets in the snow). The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. We are ever grateful for his direction and for saving us the disappointment and struggle a move in these cold and ice conditions would have caused.
So, Greg has been going stir crazy being stuck at home. He enjoys being home, but not like I do. All my work is in the home, but not Greg. He is relaxing at home and there is only so much relaxing Greg needs.
He has gone out into the snow almost everyday with me or one of the children. We walk about 2 1/2 miles to a variety of stores, Powell's being our favorite, but also Winco (our least favorite), Borders, Best Buy, the Mac Store (where we bought a Mac that Greg carried home!), and always New Seasons.
A change of pace is always enjoyed for a change, but this change has gone on long enough and although we hope to maintain a joy throughout, we will be ever grateful to be able to drive and ride our bikes again.
Merry Christmas!!